EECOH offers a variety of ways to get involved.
Passport program
The Eastern European Congress of Ohio sponsors a volunteer based School Passport Program in Ohio's schools during April-Eastern European Month. This program has been well received by Ohio's Superintendent, Paolo DeMaria.
Our "free" in-school field trip for students (any grade) gives them a trip to a unique part of the world, Eastern Europe! Students are given a passport which is filled out after the presentation about an Eastern European country/nationality. Remember in most cases this is the only way a student will learn about a specific part of Eastern Europe, a wonderful opportunity. We are flexible on how long a teacher would want the presentation to be for each class.
Art Contest
Attention Art teachers, the Eastern European Congress of Ohio sponsors an Eastern European themed Art contest. Judging takes place in March so we can display the winners artwork at the Ohio Statehouse during the month of April. Cash prizes, medals and Ohio Senate Proclamations are awarded to the winners!
Your Eastern European nationality is needed! Students really get engaged on this special day, as one student wrote in her thank you...."I'm grateful that you came to Carylwood. Your teaching us your culture is very generous." Make a difference in a students life ...volunteer to talk about your Eastern European nationality.